Friday, February 26, 2010

CLIQs to Bricks and Bricks to CLIQs

Jason Lackey

One of my favorite device blogs, the Boy Genius Report, today reported that something seems to have gone wrong with the latest round of OTA updates for the CLIQ where CLIQs are getting bricked.


Some things, like OTA updates, may seem fairly simple, almost technical slamdunks. However, once you start peeling back the onion, you will find that things are not nearly as simple as they might appear.

When we work with and OEM, we do extensive testing, not only of the client/server delivery mechanism, but also of the packages as well. The overall system must work end-to-end in order for it to be considered successful. Fortunately we have a world class team of device engineers at InnoPath. This fact was hammered home for me a few months back when we were up the peninsula doing some demos for a device maker and our device team made some observations with regards to how a new device was being built and made some suggestions to a large OEM about how they could improve their device. I was a bit shocked, but the guys at the OEM looked at each other, nodded, and said that there had been some internal debate, with the more clueful side recommending the InnoPath approach.

Anyway, testing and careful coordination between the concerned parties is one thing, building in failsafe is another. This is why, starting with our 5.6 Embedded FOTA client, we include the ability to back out of an update on the device, that way even if things go horribly horribly wrong, the worst that happens is you lose a few minutes time and end up no worse than you were when things started, which is a lot better than having a brick in your pocket!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Mobile Data Challenge

Jason Lackey

We all know that voice revenues are withering and service providers are looking to replace that lost revenue or at least slow down the bleeding. Ringtones and themes clearly are not going to do it, but what will? Data?

InnoPath sponsored a report by the Economist Intelligence Unit, The Mobile Data Challenge, which contains analysis and results of a survey of nearly 200 C-Level telco execs from across the world, NAM, APAC and EMEA.

I encourage you to get your copy today.

Here's the link.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

iPhone, Android, RIM and Symbian, Oh My!

Jason Lackey

We are coming right up on time for the GSMA Mobile World Congress, this year again in beautiful Barcelona, Spain. Some things are certain at Mobile World Congress, ham sandwiches at the Fira, big crowds for the colorful performances at the Cboss stand and new product announcements from just about everyone.

This year, we actually have something pretty big. We are announcing Universal Smartphone support with Android, Symbian, Windows phone, RIM and iPhone support all baked in to the latest and greatest version of InnoPath ActiveCare.

For the consumer, this means that OTA activation, updates and customer support are all available regardless of what kind of smartphone the subscriber has. For the operator, it means that the goodness of ActiveCare is now available for the entire spectrum of smartphones, making silo solutions a problem of the past.

But wait, there's more!

It gets even better, because we conspired with the Economist's EIU (Economist Intelligence Unit) to bring you a nice study of Tier 1 Service Providers, The Mobile Data Challenge. To top things off, we are even doing a webinar with EIU's Katherine Abreu on Wednesday, 10 February at 15:00 GMT/ 10:00 Eastern / 7:00 Pacific.

Anyway, exciting times here at InnoPath, but time for me to go set up all the new demos. Best thing is, wider coverage means that I get more toys!

Hope to see you in Barcelona! We will be in Hall 1 at Stand 1F39.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

InnoPath Android Support

Jason Lackey

At InnoPath we are very fortunate to be at the center of an exciting industry. Didn't used to be that way, Silicon Valley was a bit of a backwater for wireless for a long time, but with the Rise of Android, the coming of the iPhone and the advent the the pretty but perhaps doomed WebOS, Sunnyvale, where our office is, more or less between Mountain View and Cupertino, is now pretty central.

The whole Android thing has been amazing and looks to be picking up steam. To be honest, it was, despite warts and flaws, hard for them to pry the Nexus One out of my greedy paws. Can't really say that for the Tilt2 nor the Blackberry 9700 that have recently crossed my path, although I will admit that WinMo 6.5 Exchange support still beats the hell out of anything out of the Googleplex so far. C'mon guys, add the calendar!

Anyway, Google the precocious child is eagerly repeating all of the mistakes the mobile industry
has made over the past 20 years or so (forgot who said this first, but that person is dead on) and downplaying the importance of support and looking at a $500+ smartphone like it was some freeware Linux hack distro where the most you can hope for is some action on the support forums is a huge blunder - particularly when you ship killer hardware that appears to be running beta software.

That said, perhaps it is useful to sometimes have a counterpoint to the relatively high levels of support that are usually seen in mobile, with devices like the Motorola Droid on Verizon being the polar opposite of the Nexus One - well supported, details sweated out, refined and relatively polished in comparison, with world class customer care backing you up.

Anyway, we did a PR on support and new phones that InnoPath is shipping on, which can be found here:

Even if Google and the Nexus One don't support their customers, InnoPath Does

As we have seen, complex products like state of the art feature phones are more than just point solutions, they are part of an overall system and this system includes the operator, both network and support, as well as the phone itself. Google seems to have lost track of some of these basics, much to the detriment of Nexus One customers. Fortunately, all is not lost, because InnoPath has you covered.

Read More: http://