Jason Lackey
Silicon Valley is a special place. Few places on earth have the concentration of diversity, entrepreneurial spirit and technical acumen to pull off the constant cycle of technological rebirth which we see in the valley. Indeed, from the good old days with people pulling silicon ingots in their garages (and occasionally blowing up said garages in the process) to late nights coding in front of glowing screens, both flat and in the bad old days CRT, the Valley has a history of innovation.
Part of the strength of The Valley comes from the wild profusion of different ideas we get here as a cultural, business and technical nexus where some of the best and brightest from India, China, Japan, the US and Europe come together and create new technologies, new products and new ideas.
InnoPath is proud to be part of the culture of creation. We actually help write the book, so to speak, by means of our active participation in standards creation with OMA, the Open Mobile Alliance. While standards are nice, it is also vital that there be some meat behind the specs, thus we are particularly proud of our patent track record, with 22 US and 2 Japanese patents awarded and a large number pending.
Anyway, to those of you busting your butts every day trying to build new things and blaze new trails, we salute you. To those of you busting your butts every day trying to build new things in wireless, we recruit you! InnoPath is hiring and we are looking for the type of talent who can come up with new and patentable ideas who can make new and wonderful technology do cool and useful things in production networks.